American Cowboy Galleries
The Following Chapters are under construction, pardon the mess.
There seems to be some universal vision of the American Cowboy and the West. Most of it is a mythology that borders on reality. But I do know that whatever the subject or moment that I was photographing, there was this backdrop of the land which is nearly possible to describe and is the connecting tissue to these visions of the cowboy and the West.
It’s just plain hard work there’s no getting around that. Moving cattle all day, chasing down errant sheep in a snowstorm. But those cowboys out there working wouldn’t have it any other way. At least that’s what they always tell the photographer.
Having a ranch-hand stand a moment for a photograph is one of the hardest requests to be made. No one wants to be photographed especially guys with their girlfriends..Those moments had to be earned with patience, stealth and honesty.
Some might say it’s lonely out there in the West, but I’ve come to the conclusion that love and family is as strong at that ranch house down that long dusty road as it is on anywhere street USA, maybe even stronger.
The interiors of places, homes and things that have caught my eye have resulted in a collection of images that still reach out to me. I have this feeling for places that people have sought out, to be with friends or to raise a family. In other words, where people have lived their lives.
Americana is any collection of materials and things concerning or characteristic of the United States or of the American people. That’s an official version of stuff that seems uniquely American or made me as the photographer want to record it with my camera. The stuff we leave behind are like breadcrumbs to our lives.