Road To St. Anthony
There are few towns left in the United States where a dirt road leads into a small farming town. Most likely this road has been paved by now.

Water Barrel Contest, Bowlus, MN
4th of July contest between firehouses in the Bowlus area of Minnesota. The goal is to move the water barrel to the opponents end.

Roger Schmidt and his nephews, Travis and Alex
Fishing on Lower Spunk Creek as a storm approaches. Alex has just found a painted turtle.

Randy Gertken in a field of winter wheat.
He was cutting in his alfalfa in the field behind when he approached me to see why I was setting up a 4 x 5 camera. I said wait one minute and then I’ll give you the whole story.

Holdingford, Mn homecoming court
They had posed on the truck painted like a Holstein cow. They were going to ride around the region in it for their homecoming parade. This truck was used by the local artificial inseminator.

Second Cutting of Hay
The young man was waiting for his father to drop another wagon of hay that he would take back to the barn.

Winterscape, North of St. Joseph, MN

Going out to check for bait.
Herman Petermeier and his son Donald are setting minnow traps near St. Rosa.

Last school to Kerfield house, St. Rosa, MN.

Cafe Charlies in Freeport, MN.

Petermeier brothers.
Ed (rt) eight-six and his brother Herman, ninety-three, sit in the car they take to church every Sunday.

Swany White Flour mill and Famos Mills in Freeport, Mn
Swany White Flour Mill burned to the ground in December, 2011.

Early Morning at Charlie's Cafe, Freeport, MN

lunch at St. John's School, Meire Grove, MN.

Teens from Melrose at Lake Sylvia.

Fishing at Schwinghammer Lake.
This is under an old Great Northern Railroad bridge, now turned into the Wobegon Trail.

The Segler family.
Waiting for the fireworks at Bowlus Fun Day.

The Lund family reunion
Waiting to lob a water ballon at the seventh annual get-together on Pelican Lake.

Gary Thelen
Leaning against the bran finisher at Swany White Flour Mill in Freeport, MN. The famous mill burned to the ground December 27, 2011.

Taking a break.
Spring rock-pickers take a break on the Ervin Kerfield farm.

After the Memorial Day ceremony, St. Wendel, MN.
Outside of Luethmers Bar.

A kiss
Teens waiting for the band to start at the Pelican Lake Ballroom.

Uptown Bar & Grill at 5th and Elm, Waverly, MN

Memorial Day, St. Wendel, Mn

Credit Union Appreciation Days, Freeport, MN.

Cooks taking break on "Chicken Tuesday."
A storm had rolled through knocking out the power at the Pelican Lake Ballroom and the deep-fry units were not working.

Jake Hinnenkamp on his white gelding Vandy
Outside the Linda B’s Bar on a Sunday afternoon.

Spring Rock Picking, Roma, MN

Wobegon Video

Wobegon Video

Wobegon Video