Wobegon Video High School and misc Couples and friends

ADD High School and misc Couples and friends

ADD High School and misc Couples and friends

ADD High School and misc Couples and friends

ADD High School and misc Couples and friends

ADD High School and misc Couples and friends

Wobegon Video Black and white street Couples and friends

ADD Black and white street Couples and friends

Wobegon Video Black and white street Couples and friends

ADD High School and misc Couples and friends

Wobegon Video Black and white street Couples and friends

Wobegon Video Couples and friends

Wobegon Video Black and white street Couples and friends

ADD Black and white street Couples and friends

Wobegon Video Black and white street Couples and friends

Wobegon Video Black and white street Couples and friends

ADD Black and white street Couples and friends

Wobegon Video Black and white street Couples and friends

Wobegon Video Black and white street Couples and friends

Sisters Walking
Sisters walking in farm field in Delano, Minnesota, 1972. Wobegon Video Couples and friends

Coupe standing under cow with big udders